Do you have a success story to share about your experience with ATTI GPS tracking solutions—we would love to hear it. All we need are answers to a few questions below. Please take all the time and space you need. Thank you for your feedback.

With your permission, we may share it on our website and promotional materials. Should you be selected, we would also ask you provide us with a company logo and any photos you would like to share.

    Company: (required)

    Name: (required)

    Job Title: (required)

    Email: (required)


    Tell us a little about yourself? What product or service does your company provide? What markets do you currently serve?


    What was the problem you were trying to address? Please describe your specific goals and priorities for installing ATTI GPS tracking on your vehicles.


    What alternatives, if any, were you considering? Why did you choose ATTI GPS tracking? How did you implement it?

    How many of your vehicles currently have ATTI GPS tracking installed?


    What have been the main benefits of installing ATTI GPS tracking on your vehicles? If possible, use hard numbers such as fuel savings, labor costs, productivity increases, ROI, or overall business impact.


    Please provide your comments here. What do you like most about ATTI GPS tracking? Would you recommend ATTI for other companies? If so, why?

    Are you available for a follow up call should we need any additional information?

    Don’t have time to fill this out right now?
    Download the form and send it to us at your convenience.
    Send completed form to or fax to 713.353.6049.

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    Any questions can be sent to Ben VanAvery: or 800-279-0035.